Course Reflection

Alrighty… uhm i dont know how to really do this so itll be short.

i originally did this course a year ago and didn’t pass due to some other issues but now doing these classes and learning i guess i look at things in a different way with copyright trademarks etc and to keep creative blocks in mind money time also etc i learned other things

but i dont know what to really say it was fun learning new things and looking at things with different views.

like i said it’ll be short i dont know really what to say

About Me

Yes the fun part where i get to talk about me… *sarcasm* this will be a short About Me

My name is Darc’e Bell there is a way to pronounce it but i just say it like Darcy im currently Studying at Hunter St Tafe in Cert III Screen & Media again because i did not past the first time around but i wont get into that. I dont do much out of Tafe other than study for the course go to the movies and play video games and watch Netflix.

A TV show i enjoy the most has to be The Walking Dead and a movie i enjoy i can’t answer cause their is to many of them but at the moment ive been re watching The Big Lebowski a fair bit. When it comes to music im pretty picky with it and podcast which i also listen to a fair bit also at the moment i listen to Your Moms House Podcast which is hosted By Tom Segura and his wife Christina Pazsitzky two very funny comedians which both have comedy specials on Netflix.

Like i said it’ll be short this is My About Me i dont have a whole lot to say so i guess thats it huh… Bye
Click Here for something you didn’t expect . Oh i nearly forgot and Here.

Blogging & Why You Should Try It… At least Once

Blogging can help people open up and talk about things that in person they can’t or just dont feel like they have anyone to relate with, with blogging it’s like a public journal allowing others to read and share & comment on it with control on it to restrict any haters or trolls other than it being a way of expressing yourself and opinions it enables you to reach millions, billions of people on the internet which can ultimately help you business wise from promoting it or yourself. Blogging can work as a way of attraction for an audience because it can provide so much value to the audience . Generating awareness about your thoughts, opinions and other stuff like bands events etc you can blog about anything there will always be one person, more even, reading your blog sure it may take time but like I said there will always be at least one person… right?

Left Brain Right Brain

The popular myth of right brain left brain was once again debunked this time by University of Utah neuroscientists had used brain imaging to show no evidence of left brained or right brained.

The lead author of the study Dr Jeff Anderson said that its true that some brain functions occur in one or the other side of the brain.

The Utah team scanned the brain of 1,011 people between the ages of seven and 29 the technique used was called resting state functional connectivity magnetic resonance imaging (rsfcMRI) The test was to see what side of the brain was more active and connected than the other. The Right Brain is focused more on creativity reading and recognising faces and emotions etc. The Left Brain is focused more on language, logic, numbers and reasoning etc. What do you think on the Left Brain Right Brain Myth? To read more click Here

Trademark, Patent & Copyright

If you didn’t know already Trademarks protect Brand names & Logos, Patent protects ones Inventions & most notable Copyright, Copyright protects the original artistic and literary works and now you have a rough idea what the three mean.

In early 2007 Stephanie Lenz recorded her thirteen month old child Holden, dancing and pushing a walker across her kitchen to the distinctive song played by Prince which was called “Let’s Go Crazy”. Holden heard it a couple weeks prior when he and the family watched the Super Bowl and heard the song and well… went crazy. Stephanie uploaded it to YouTube with the intention that only a few people would see that being her family members and friends she emailed them the link and watched it a continuous amount of times to then share it with other friends and colleagues.

Sometime had past and in that time someone who was not a friend of Stephanie’s and who had worked for Universal Music Group, Universal either owns or administrates some of the copyrights of Prince. The video quality that Lenz had recorded and uploaded was something different, The quality was terrible no one would’ve downloaded it and had intentions to listen to it. Lenz had later found out she was risking $150,000 fine for sharing her home movie.

Do you think Stephanie Lenz was in the right or wrong?

To watch the video click Here : To read the full print click Here